应化工与化学学院邀请,在国际项目管理中心的大力支持下,韩国科学技术研究院院士,韩国仁荷大学高分子科学与工程系hyoung jin choi教授于2019年9月25日至9月28日访问我校,开展交流活动并做学术报告,届时欢迎广大师生参加。
报告主题:functional polymers and their composites under external fields: rheology and applications
we have been studying various polymers and their composites with interesting functionalities under external fields, in which the external fields imply typical flow fields of laminar flow with most cases of rheological aspects and turbulent flow, electric and magnetic fields. they include non-newtonian fluid mechanics with flow fields of rod-climbing, turbulent drag reduction, suspension rheology, and polymer nanocomposites in addition to conducting polymer based electrorheological (er) fluids under an electric field, while magnetorheological (mr) suspensions have been characterized under applied magnetic fields.
among these, polymer induced turbulent drag reduction along with dna dynamics, er and mr fluids will be covered, and specific focus will be put on the er and mr fluids. various electro-responsive er materials include conducting polymers and their derivatives, polymer/clay nanocomposite, polymer/mesoporous composite and carbon nanotube or graphene oxide associated systems from material rheological viewpoint. interesting characteristics of their er suspensions such as yield stress analysis using universal scaled yield stress concept, flow curve behavior and dielectric analysis will be reviewed. its analogy under applied magnetic fields using magneto-responsive mr materials will also be delivered, in which our efforts include improving mr characteristics of various magnetic particles. coating the surface of carbonyl iron particles producing favourable core-shell structure along with apparently decreased density for synthesized composite particles with several polymers will be covered in addition to various coatings for both mr fluids and mr elastomers along with their applications.
hyoung jin choi教授,韩国科学技术研究院院士,韩国仁荷大学fellow教授,美国匹兹堡大学物理系客座教授,美国卡内基梅隆大学化学系客座教授,法国勒阿弗尔大学化学系客座教授,南非csir国家纳米结构材料中心研究顾问。hyoung jin choi教授,博士毕业于美国卡耐基梅隆大学化学工程专业。主要研究方向包括电流变学、磁流变学、聚合物和悬浮液流变学、聚合物湍流减阻、生物降解聚合物、非牛顿流体力学、聚合物纳米复合材料。发表论文720篇,web of science总被引量高达18930,h因子69。
hyoung jin choi教授曾获top 300 most cited researchers in materials science and engineering (mse supplies) (2016),world class research front award (area: electrorheological fluid) 和 thomson scientific citation laureate (2007),世界先进材料论坛(polychar)国际材料科学奖(2012年),韩国工业化学会科学成就奖(2014年),韩国流变学会科学成就奖(2007年),韩国工业化学会最佳论文奖(2018年)等。