题目:education programs at university of north texas (unt)
in this seminar, first, an introduction of the american education system will be given first. the information will help those who has a plan to pursue further education in the u.s. in terms of selecting the major and school in north america, in a consideration of the locations, cost, and other factors. then, an overview of the programs at university of north texas will be provided. the seminar will focus on discussing the materials science and engineering and mechanical and energy engineering programs at unt, from which both have the chemical engineering components.
题目:surface property characterization of bio-based material
the seminar will give an introduction of the bio-based materials, such as wood, agriculture stem, and other lignocellulosic materials, and their characteristics compared to other organic materials. the unique surface characteristics of biomaterials will be summarized. the interfacial bonding behavior is very important to the quality of the composite products, and the surface properties of the constituents in the biocomposites play an important role to the adhesion. surface property characterization techniques of bio-based materials, such as contact angle analysis (caa), inverse gas chromatography (igc), will be discussed in terms of polar and nonpolar components, as well as the acid and based interaction for the surface energy. the pros and cons of these techniques are discussed.
题目:biomass derived activated carbon from self activation process
self-activation is a green process for activated carbon fabrication, which takes advantage of the gases emitted from the pyrolysis process of biomass to activate the converted carbon. compared with conventional activation processes, self-activation which saves the activating agents and decreases the environmental impact. in this study, pine wood-derived activated carbons were fabricated through self-activation process. the structures of the obtained activated carbon were characterized by a surface area and pore volume tester, xrd pattern, raman spectra, sem and tem. observations. the as-obtained activated carbon showed favorable features with high specific surface area (2738 m2 g−1) and pore volume (2.209 cm3 g−1), which are favorable for electrochemical energy storage. using the obtained activated carbon, a lithium-ion battery anode was prepared. a high-performance li-ion battery was successfully assembled from the high performance activated carbon through the self-activation process. the efficiency on the water cleaning using the high performance ac is also discussed.
题目:soy protein based film and adhesives
the seminar summarized the past 10-year research work in our group related to the soy protein based products, such as polymer film and adhesives. currently, most wood panels in the world are fabricated using formaldehyde-based resins, such as phenol formaldehyde (pf), urea formaldehyde (uf), and etc. these petroleum-based adhesives have brought serious environmental concern because of the formaldehyde emission. therefore, development of bio-based adhesives become a promising alternative. the soy protein material is low cost, renewable, and biodegradable. however, the applications of the soy protein-based adhesives are limited by their low bonding strength and poor water resistance. in this seminar, some of our research work on the modifications of the soy protein based adhesives, such as incorporation cellulose nanowhisker, epoxidized soy protein isolated film will be discussed.
史强博士于1994年得到美国密西根理工大学的研究生奖学金来到美国,并于1997年获得博士学位。经过在密西根理工大学和缅因大学近两年的博士后研究,史强博士于1999年受聘于美国apa工程木协会担任副研究员,研究员,及项目主持人,主要负责工程木质复合材料的产品认证与检测,及新产品的开发利用。在2004年,史强博士受聘于密西西比州立大学,并获得终身教授的荣誉。2011年,史强博士做为特殊人才(cluster hiring)受聘于北德州大学终身教授, 成为学校生物质材料加工专业的学术带头人。他2014-2018在北德州大学工程学院常务执行委员会(dean’s council)及工程学院教工协会主席(faculty council)。他目前是工程学院职称评委会(tenure and promotion committee)主席。
史强博士从事的课题包括自然纤维复合材料,纳米复合材料,工程木质复合材料及结构设计的研究。史强博士曾主持美国能源部(doe)资助的“轻型汽车的自然纤维复合材料的开发”项目。另外也赢得了美国竞争性很强的国家科学基金(nsf)项目,农业部(usda)及其它国家部门的基金和来自企业公司的各种科研资助。项目基金合计超过1500多万美金。他至今已在各种国际刊物及会议中发表论文200多篇,其中近160篇是在sci收录的刊物。他被邀请在美国,欧洲,亚洲,南美州等世界各地做学术讲座70多次。2012年,他的两篇论文分别获得george marra优秀论文二等奖和三等奖。2009年,史强博士获得密西西比州立大学森林资源学院青年教授科研奖,2007年获密西西比州立大学汽车研究中心的科研奖。
史强博士在2009 – 2015年期间一直担任代表世界木材科学领域最高水平的美国木材科学与技术学会(swst)执行理事,并在2013-2014年度,被选为这个学会的会长(president),这是有史以来第一位华人担任这个学会的会长职务。史强博士也曾经担任美国木材工业协会,复合材料分会主任(director of composites division);美国国际标准协会(astm)及apa标准的评审委员;美国农业部和能源部专项课题的特邀评审;热动力学期刊和国际环境工程与自然资源期刊的编委;复合材料期刊,纤维期刊,胶合期刊等40几个国际刊物的评审;澳大利亚deakin大学和印度gitam大学博士论文特邀评委。最近,又在美国德州正式成为专业注册工程师(professional engineer)。史强博士在国内也有很多的兼职,他是东北林业大学(哈尔滨)及广西大学(南宁)的客座教授,国际竹滕中心(北京)特邀顾问及客座研究员,2011年,获得“龙江学者”的荣誉。